...that it is our spiritual imperative to care for the Earth and act as responsible stewards on Her behalf.
I do not say worship the Earth, I say care for Her.
One of the rather more beautiful events that I attended recently was an inter-faith prayer for peace ceremony at the national headquarters for the
Theosophical Society in America.
My wife and I live within an hour's drive of their national headquarters in Wheaton, IL and we were pleased to attend the event.
Each of the attendees was invited to speak on an example of how they'd found peace at some moment in their lives, and to say a prayer for peace from a prayer book filled with prayers from numerous spiritual paths from around the world. I chose a Native American prayer for peace to recite.
We closed the ceremony with a hand-holding circle and a chanted prayer that came to me during my trip to the
Cahokia Mounds last year. "Heal the Earth, heal Mankind, in perfect ways, in perfect time." repeated five times.
We also on several occasions have been graced to walk the Labyrinth at the national headquarters in Summer and Winter solstice light ceremonies.
For a poem describing that visit, and the incredible experience I had there, visit
Blessings and light,
Rev. Dan