Tuesday, July 20, 2010

FW: [earthrainbownetwork] The Shift of Ages Series #9: Doomsday Versus Bloomsday Thinking - HIGHLIGHTS

From: Jean Hudon <globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com>
Sent: July 20, 2010 4:55 AM
To: EarthRainbowNetwork@lists.riseup.net
Subject: [earthrainbownetwork] The Shift of Ages Series #9: Doomsday Versus Bloomsday Thinking - HIGHLIGHTS

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Hello everysoul!

As you can probably figure out from the title of this compilation - Doomsday Versus Bloomsday Thinking - I've been grappling at the real possibility that with the ginormous amount of cultural focus and news on doomsday scenarios of all kinds, many of which are trailing in the wake of the 2012 phenomenon, and notwithstanding the fact that, because of our collective "mismanagement" (which is an understatement) of our planetary environment (such as what is featured in the Oil Spill Updates below), a number of grave repercussions are likely to be inevitable down the road, many people are still subconsciously trapped into the vicious circle of a collective belief into such doomsday outcomes that it could develop into a looping self-fulfilling prophecy, which they are in fact co-manifesting, aided and abetted of course by the usual cast of evil agencies doing their usual "mischiefs" (another understatement).

To try to illustrate the kind of counterbalancing and cancelling, positively-tilted influence to all this doomsday thinking on our collective, subconscious mind, I came up with the notion of "bloomsday" thinking, meaning that if/when we instead focus the power of our collective belief onto the increasing likeliness that thanks to the growing cocreative efforts of millions of powerful Light Bearers and New Earth Midwifes all around the world (some of whom are featured in the new WORTH EXPLORING section below) we are now setting in motion an even more powerful collective subconsciously-held belief into a regenerated, pristine planet where all that is good and hearty in our souls will soon bloom spontaneously - a vision that reminded me of the magnificent ending of The Yellow Submarine cartoon movie by The Beatles... with it's giant YES symbolizing the choice we all have to say "Yes!" to such a New Reality for all sentient Life on Earth.

I'm utterly convinced that it is within our collective power to be instrumental in co-achieving such a Golden outcome, starting with each one of us choosing here and now Love instead of fear, Light instead of its absence, Bloom instead of Doom...

How about YOU?...

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

OH! and don't miss Inception (Origines en français) - the new extraordinary movie by director Christopher Nolan now playing in the cinemas: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/ - The musical score by Hans Zimmer is pretty astounding too! More details HERE - A stunning illustration of the power of our subconscious mind and thoughts!!!

Free subscription to a large weekly Earth Rainbow Network compilation by simply sending a blank email to earthrainbownetwork-subscribe@lists.riseup.net

STATS for this compilation: Over 60,500 words and 339 links provided.

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"The Mayan predictions are far from 2012 doomsday prophecies. According to the Maya we will be leaving a time of darkness to enter an era of light around 2012. Some Mayan experts considered what the Maya wrote, "pure fantasy."What's interesting is the Mayan predictions ARE unfolding now, and are accelerating the closer we get to December 21, 2012. But, the ancient Maya never predicted the world was coming to a dismal end or a 2012 doomsday! You're worried. Concern about the future is what brought you to this site. I understand how you feel. When I first started to research the Maya sixteen years ago, I felt the same way. I worried too about 2012 doomsday prophecies such as pole shifts , earthquakes, asteroid collisions and more. But, now I'm at peace with what's happening in the world.There is a bigger brighter picture beyond the chaos and tragedies. I see now we have far more control over our future than we may think. Years of research and introspection have changed my fears to understanding. I now see that 2012 doomsday and other negative things are caused by our own negative thinking and actions. Worry and fear never changes anything for the better. In fact fear is attracted to itself. The purpose of this article and it's links is to help you understand what's happening in the world... see why there's so much chaos... and, know how you can find peace in the turmoil. (...) How fear controls us - The 2012 doomsday fears cause the hoarding of material things. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't have extra food, energy sources, etc. available. But, you can't prepare for 2012 by accumulating food, money, guns, etc. We have relied on the physical so long we've forgotten our source of true power and safety. Fear makes us REACT instead of KNOW. Fear causes bad decisions.Your safety lies within and always has. This time of preparation for December 21, 2012 is not about the material. It's about the spiritual. This study from Berkley, CA shows we are growing as a planet. The only way to make you look within is to take away your worldly safety nets as the Course in Miracles states above. This may feel like 2012 doomsday is coming true. But it forces you to go within and trust your inner guidance."

"If you really knew how beautiful you are, you would fall at your own feet."
- Byron Katie

"The fundamental contradiction of our time is this: we have built an all-encompassing economic engine that requires constant unending growth -- a contraction of even a percent or two is a crisis. But we are embedded in ecosystems that are indeed limited. There is only so much fertile soil, so much fresh water, so many fish in the ocean, the atmosphere can only absorb so much CO2 and stay benign. As Kenneth Boulding memorably remarked, "Anyone who thinks exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."Shedding a way of life based on limitless growth, the celebration and reward of excess, and deeply ingrained habits of acquisition, consumption and waste is going to be an overwhelming challenge. The culture of "faster-bigger-more" will not yield easily to a new orientation where sustainability is the rule. We are going to need all the expertise we can muster to understand how we have overloaded the carrying capacity of our planet and its ecosystems -- and how we can tread from here on with a lighter footprint. Innovations in technology, law, policy and practices are absolutely essential. We must change the goals and rules we live by and create incentives and constraints to shape sustainable behaviors. We need new models.At a deeper level, I believe that living within the boundaries of nature requires a profound shift in perspective: we stop seeing nature merely as a limitless source of lifeless commodities to be used and traded and start seeing the natural realm as an astounding web of living communities that includes us. And we see that we do not live above and beyond the dynamic of the earth's operating systems that sustain life itself. After centuries of driving economies, we must learn to dance with ecosystems. When you see your habitat as a collection of dead, disconnected commodities to be manipulated for power and profit, you try to steer and control nature. If you see yourself embedded in an ecosystem that is fluid, that has thresholds, that is so thoroughly interconnected, self-organizing and emergent that is not only more complex than we thought, but more complex than we can think, then you don't drive nature, you dance. Let me offer some dancing lessons."

"Hello Jean! As always, thank you deeply for all that you do, for all the time you put into preparing such a feast of information (even though much is tough to digest, eh?) You are a public servant in the truest sense. As for the Gulf hemorrhage, and especially the Corexit used (and God knows what else), I wonder if it might help to suggest in a collective meditation, to offer thoughts of neutralizing it, to ask our elemental friends to help us render it neutral (non toxic). I often say such an affirmation whenever I see chemtrails."

- Pam (from Ohio) - And my reply was: "Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. Regarding neutralizing the toxic stew through a collective meditation, it would certainly not hurt to do this. Who knows the true extent of the power of collectively energized thought-forms and the miraculous effects our common goodwill can achieve? In addition to the mitigating efforts accomplished through our space family's technological wizardry, reaching out to the devas and other invisible Light forms who play such an essential stewardship role for the entire Web of Life on Earth would also certainly help galvanize the microbial activity that in the end will do the actual cleanup of the oil-bloodied oceans."

"Like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi and many other souls whose lives were shining examples of what the path of loving kindness and true dedication to compassion can achieve, yours has been a life dedicated to showing countless others that being true to One Self and resisting the temptation of violence and retribution is the only path ahead towards a future of Peace, Love and Harmony for all. May you be emulated by countless other souls. Namaste and happy celebration of the 75 years of your latest incarnation on Earth."





Peaceful World Conversations
As part of a movement to restore the lost art of conversation, Peaceful World Conversations bring people together to talk about topics that matter in their own lives and in the world as a whole. Popular for years as Breakfast Conversations at San Francisco's Red Vic, the Peaceful World Conversation movement now enjoys a spreading popularity. The existing and evolving reality in which humans live has always been birthed in ideas, then expressed in groups and carried into action. World Conversations combines these factors and sends its participants out into the world to share their knowledge.  CLIP

World Cafe - Introductions
There are people gathering here in the World Cafe community from literally all over the world, and it is so exciting!!! I really want to meet everyone, and I know I'm not alone. Would you please tell us a little about yourself here, just as an introduction, so we can start to learn about each other? Where do you live? How did you learn about the World Cafe? What are your interests and passions? (...) Renee Jackson on August 4, 2009 at 4:16pmI live in Chicago, Il for the present, and was introduced to the World Cafe Model, a little over 3 years ago. Cafe's... along with other innovations have completely transformed the way I provide tranings, workshops, focus groups, and forums. I have incorporated this system in my work with parent cafe's, men cafe's, community cafes, partnership cafes within communities, incorporating Social Emotional Learning also as part of the structure of the conversation. They have been very successfull with creating collaborative relationships/partnership between parents, teachers, and staff. They said it couldn't be done, and it would never happen. They have been extremely successful. I have provided cafes across the state of IL, and other states...crossing systems that provide services to children, youth and the whole family. Whether it's child and family services, human services, health dept., education, etc...it works, if you work it! CLIP

World Café
Nancy Margulies presents an introduction to the World Café, see more at http://www.theworldcafe.com CHECK ALSO What is the World Café? http://www.theworldcafe.com/what.htm

Bowen in Transition (July 1, 2010)
Last weekend I attended the Transition Movement 2-day introductory training course in Vancouver, along with three fellow Bowen Islanders. We immediately and unanimously agreed to establish a "Bowen in Transition" chapter, affiliated with the Vancouver Transition network (called Village Vancouver).For those who might want to know a bit more about the Transition Movement, here's an overview of what we learned, along with a rough first cut at how we might adapt it to the needs of Bowen Island, where I now live.The first part of the course provided the facts about our unsustainable energy, ecological and economic systems, and outlined the main elements of the ever-evolving processes and activities that communities around the world are including in their Transition programs. It also outlined why it is so important for communities to  have a Transition program. Here's a draft of a graphic that we might use to explain the purpose and key elements of a Transition program to the community of Bowen Island: CLIP

Wiser Earth - The Social network for Sustainable Development

Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Viable solutions already exist for most of our environmental and social crises. The solutions in nature consistently surpass our concept of what is possible. Where we don't know what to do, we have a good idea what directions to head in. Once people discover these realities, it dramatically leverages pressure for change.That vision ignited us in 1990 to found the Bioneers Conference to disseminate breakthrough solutions. In 2006, the landmark UN Millennium Ecosystem report concluded: "Human activity is putting such strain on the natural functions of Earth that the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted."The hour is dangerously late, yet there appears to be a worldwide awakening. The next ten years will be the make-it-or-break-it period to make a fundamental, large-scale shift. Bioneers has two keystone goals to help make this shift successfully. Connect people with solutions by popularizing breakthrough ideas and practices.Grow social capital by catalyzing, connecting and strengthening strategic networks, including bioregional and community-based alliances. As Bioneers celebrates our 20th anniversary, our ability to act as a fertile source for the urgent transition to a restored world is converging with an unprecedented receptivity in the world for innovative ways of thinking and acting. There is as much cause for hope as for horror. As David Orr said, "Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up."

The Chaordic Commons
The Chaordic Commons facilitates connection and collaboration among members.  Also we facilitate access to a considerable and continuously evolving body of knowledge about chaordic organizations and organizing.  From leveraging how others have discovered and expressed deep common purposes and essential principles of right relationship your intentions and projects can be realized more quickly and easily.Member projects  are exploring: - New forms of governanceInnovative models of business - Emerging concepts of citizenship - New models for ownership, investment, and philanthropy - New approaches to public-private partnerships and multi-stakeholder alliances - Dynamic approaches to collaboration - New forms of leadership - Generative models of organizational learning and change - New, more global architectures of relationship in every field

Foundation for Global Community
As humans, we believe that our highest purpose is to discover, live, and communicate what is needed to achieve a world that functions for the benefit of all life. Our home is a water planet called Earth, cradled in a
universe of beauty, mystery, and unfolding drama. We now know that everything from the largest galaxy to the smallest particle is part of one unified, whole, interconnected system. Each of us, individually, is important and unique. However, at this moment in history, we are being called to set aside any narrow self-interests and to act with integrity, consciousness, and a spirit of goodwill. Recognizing our common destiny, we envision a world in which love becomes the prevailing human function, cooperating together with all cultures, races, nations, and religions for the benefit of all life.

How to Save the World Reading List
In Beyond Civilization, Daniel Quinn says: People will listen when they're ready to listen and not before. Probably, once upon a time, you weren't ready to listen to an idea than now seems to you obvious, even urgent. Let people come to it in their own time. Nagging or bullying will only alienate them. Don't preach. Don't waste time with people who want to argue. They'll keep you immobilized forever. Look for people who are already open to something new. Five years ago, I became ready to listen, and, starting with Full House and Ishmael, began to learn the truth about what is happening to this world, and what we can, and can't do, to save it from civilization's excesses. Here's the updated list - 80 books and articles that have forever changed my worldview and my purpose for living. The fifteen most critical readings have a numbered triangle in front of them, with the numbers reflecting the order that, I would suggest, it makes most sense to read them in. CLIP



Recommended by Wendy Pergentile (bengalexfx@shaw.ca) who wrote: "For extensive and non censored news. They have captured the riots and corrupt police resulting in martial law. I want to participate in how wrong this all is. Martial law is not to be accepted under any means, and this is foul play in order to try to educate public its means.  We have to stand strong and fight this lined of conduct. I welcome any further discussion or brain storming. I read this morning in the Calgary Herald that a public inquiry to the police actions has been denied. THAT is so wrong! The media is twisting reality so much, that even the National post has written the protesters were the problem. They seriously do not want to admit, or be accountable for Martial Law that was enacted, and police bullying. I hope somehow "the people" can make themselves heard, and not feel hopeless due to the Act that was quietly a couple weeks before the G-20 passed by the government (and has expired now after-the-fact) that allowed the police to do what they did. I know the folks at The Real News will not let this go away without extensive reporting.  More people need to see their news reports." And my reply was: "I've bookmarked this excellent site and will use material from there in my next compilations. No surprise there! The Canadian media and most journalists are all too often such vapid sissies and pure propaganda organs for the elite. Perhaps this will help wake up some people that they are worst and obviously more cunning than the Pravda was during the Soviet era. At least the Russians knew then that they were being fed false news, propaganda and disinformation. Most people in Western countries have no clue that the media are in cohort with, or unconsciously covering up for some of the worst evildoers... Apparently you did not notice this yet in my latest compilation: Toronto police knew they had no extra arrest powers (June 29, 2010) "But they let public believe they had authority to search people who were within five metres of the downtown security perimeter." They never had such special powers in the first place - the Toronto police chief made this up entirely! - and acted entirely illegally when they made those mass arrests. At least the Globe and Mail reported that as did some other media - but without much outcry so far! No media inquiry either into this creeping police state we are becoming under Harper the Great Oiler!" MORE related stories: Lorne Gunter: Toronto police spin a web of confusion - McGuinty comes under attack over G20 moves (McGuinty has refused to say why cabinet passed the law in secret and never made it public. ... Blair later admitted he didn't tell the public despite learning on the Friday that the new measures applied only inside the G20 fences, not outside. Civil libertarians were incensed. They also were angry that neither the province nor Blair clarified the provisions until after the G20 was over and the regulation, which was only enacted for a one-week period, had expired. Amnesty International, the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Civil Liberties Association have all called for an independent review of police behaviour."We are seriously concerned about the erosion of civil liberties in Toronto this (past) weekend," said PSAC president John Gordon The Canadian Civil Liberties Association demanded an apology of the Ontario government for using "war-time legislation" to suspend people's rights. CLIP) Much more through this LINK where one can see that this issue is petering out quickly as there is no media reporting of this past July 1st... MORE below in G20: A Corporatist Show of Force and Power in Toronto

Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world - TED conference  (13 min)

Most interesting video interview done in 1992 with Sal Rochelle

The Living Matrix Movie Trailer

Egyptian General - 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Japanese artist maps 1945-1998's nuclear explosions (6 July 2010) WE ARE LUCKY TO STILL BE ALIVE!
A Japanese artist named Isao Hashimoto has created a series of works about nuclear weapons. One is titled "1945-1998" and shows a history of the world's nuclear explosions. Over the course of fourteen and a half minutes, every single one of the 2053 nuclear tests and explosions that took place between 1945 and 1998 are is plotted on a map. A metronomic beep every second represents months passing, and a different tone indicates explosions from different countries. It starts out slowly, with the Manhattan Project's single test in the US and the two terrible bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended World War II. After a couple of minutes or so, however, once the USSR and Britain entered the nuclear club, the tests really start to build up, reaching a peak of nearly 140 in 1962, and remaining well over 40 each year until the mid-80s. It's a compelling insight into the history of humanity's greatest destructive force, especially when you remember that only two nuclear explosions have ever been detonated offensively, both in 1945. Since then, despite more than 2,000 other tests and billions of dollars having been spent on their development, no nuclear warheads have been used in anger. CLIP - Recommended by Richard Keber (srkeber@msn.com) who wrote: "Most interesting video - mind-blowing to see it this way. It's never smart to second guess God, but I've started wondering about Her Judgement in choosing humans to "steward" this planet .... or even each other..." CHECK ALSO Russian Parliament Committee Okays Nuclear Arms Deal (The treaty, based on a Moscow understanding between the two Presidents, calls for reducing nuclear warheads held by each country to 1,550 and delivery vehicles to 700 - ballistic missiles and heavy bombers - by the end of 2017. This is 74 per cent lower than the 1991 Start Treaty and 30 per cent lower than the 2002 Moscow Treaty.) Make sure to also read The Fear Factor and its related articles below.

Stars & Stripes FOREVER!
I, Sam the Eagle, present a musical salute to America.

Latest crops formations (celestial glyphs)

Crop Circles Map
This crop circle map shows where and when and what crop circles have formed this season - just hover over icons!

Amazing UFO Over NY
I don't think that this Mufon sighting needs much of an explanation at all. This pic really made me fall off my seat when I saw it. I will just present it in its own form. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Earth's upper atmosphere collapses. Nobody knows why (July 15, 2010)
The thermosphere recently collapsed in an unexpectedly large contraction, the sheer size of which has scientists scratching their heads. An upper layer of Earth's atmosphere recently collapsed in an unexpectedly large contraction, the sheer size of which has scientists scratching their heads, NASA announced Thursday. The layer of gas - called the thermosphere - is now rebounding again. This type of collapse is not rare, but its magnitude shocked scientists. "This is the biggest contraction of the thermosphere in at least 43 years," said John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab, lead author of a paper announcing the finding in the June 19 issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters. "It's a Space Age record." The collapse occurred during a period of relative solar inactivity - called a solar minimum from 2008 to 2009. These minimums are known to cool and contract the thermosphere, however, the recent collapse was two to three times greater than low solar activity could explain. "Something is going on that we do not understand," Emmert said. CLIP

Spectacular Planck space images help explain universe (5 July 2010)  With a video
An extraordinary new image of the universe has been unveiled by the European Space Agency, pieced together from photos taken by the Planck space telescope. The telescope was sent into space last year to survey the "oldest light" in the cosmos, and took just over six months to assemble the map. Researchers say it is a remarkable dataset that will help them understand better how the Universe came to look the way it does now. Owen Holdaway reports. READ MORE: Planck reveals 'spectacular sky'

'Virtual human' Milo comes out to play at TED in Oxford (13 July 2010)
Microsoft has shown off its "virtual human" that reacts to a person's emotions, body movements and voice. (...) The live demonstration used Microsoft's soon-to-be released Kinect controller, which uses a series of sensors, cameras and microphones to interpret a player's intentions. Peter Molyneux's first game was a text-based business simulation game in 1984. The demo was conducted by an assistant, who showed Milo exploring a garden, learning to skim stones and finally confiding in him after being told off by his parents. "We're changing the mind of Milo constantly," he said. "No two people's Milos can be the same - you are actually sculpting a human being. Some of the things you are doing will change the course of his life."Mr Molyneux said Milo had been built using artificial intelligence developed by his firm Lionhead studios, along with technology that was "hidden in the dusty vaults of Microsoft". He said the system exploited psychological techniques to make a person feel that Milo was real. In addition, software allowed "complete control" over subtle facial elements such as blushing and even the diameter of Milo's nostrils, which he said could denote stress. "Most of it is just a trick - but it is a trick that actually works," he said. During the demonstration, the player egged Milo on to squash a snail in the garden. CLIP

Interview with Stephen Kinzer, author of "Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America's Future" on Charlie Rose

Key News: Abandoned Oil Wells in Gulf, NSA Internet Surveillance, US-Israel Nuclear Partnership, more

Key News: Banks Hiding Debt, Vatican Equates Pedophilia with Ordination of Women, Drug Company Hid Data, More

HAITI: SIX MONTHS ON (JULY 14, 2010 - 23 min video by Al Jazeera)
Six months after the earthquake that killed up to 300,000 people, the dust is starting to settle over Port-au-Prince. As it does, the deep wounds that fracture this country are re-emerging, more gaping than even before. NOTE from Jean: I watched this Monday night (July 19) on Charlie Rose show a MOST enlightening 53 min interview with Actor Sean Penn on his work in Haiti - which you can watch at http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/11127 - and then went on to check his website from where I picked the following excerpt below. If you wish to send a donation to support the excellent humanitarian relief work his organization is doing, you may want to give it to this group... Near the end of his interview Sean had some very spiritual insights to offer...

Beat the Rain
Since the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, J/P HRO has been on the ground, working every day to help Haitians not only recover from the earthquake-but to build a better future.One month after the earthquake, J/P HRO launched the Beat the Rain campaign to help relocate and provide shelter for Haitians before the rain and hurricane seasons began. The work of ensuring that the people of Haiti avoid a public health disaster from flooding and disease in the wake of the earth quake continues.Our work to date can be divided into three phases: (...) Now, as we enter our third phase of work, our goal is to develop a sustainable answer to the problems faced by the Haitian people. For all that we've accomplished, there is so much more work to be done. We need more doctors, medical supplies, and donations to help the people of Haiti meet their urgent medical and housing needs. And we need a continued commitment to help build the foundation for a better future for all of Haiti.While the earthquake brought a global outpouring of immediate aid, the worst thing that could happen now is for the world to forget about Haiti -and to let the people here sink back into the desperation that followed the earthquake.



Forwarded by Mark Graffis (mgraffis@gmail.com): Matt Simmons blew the whistle on the made-for-TV capping

Oil industry insider Matt Simmons blew the whistle on the made-for-TV capping of the so-called oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico Thursday, July 15, during an interview on KPFK radio, the NPR station in Los Angeles.
Simmons, former energy adviser to the second President Bush, explained that according to his reading of the data from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, capping of the so-called riser and the subsequent announcement by U.S. President Obama was "the biggest con job we've ever seen."
Simmons, creator of an investment bank catering to oil companies, told radio host Ian Masters that the real problem continuing to gush oil into the Gulf was not the 6-inch "riser" that apparently has been capped amid much TV hoopla, but that an open hole or cauldron perhaps up to 10 miles distant from where British Petroleum's cameras are focused which continues to spew 120,000 BARRELS per day, and that BP's much publicized effort to drill relief wells in what the company says is an effort to stop the flow of oil is nothing but a cynical publicity stunt.
"The dimensions of this lie are beyond belief," said Simmons, explaining that the idea of a relief well is "tricky at best," since trying to hit a pipe of less than a foot in diameter 35,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf may be entirely futile because the casing of the original pipe is not even there, having blown away at some point.
But Simmons noted that both BP and Obama continue to deny that this open hole, or cauldron, even exists, even though Simmons and others insist the NOAA data from satellites prove by speed of flow and depth of light that the amount of oil that has been flowing through the on-camera riser could not possibly account for the amount of oil that has spilled into the Gulf.
"The riser is totally irrelevant," Simmons stressed, adding "and there's no way to cap the open hole." He explained that BP continues to deny the open hole exists and theorizes the continuing flow of oil into the Gulf is really just the residue from what has already been spilled during the first 90 days of the disaster.
"There is denial that there's even a problem," Simmons said. "In about a month or two people will realize that this actually was the biggest con job we've ever seen."
Simmons also noted an additional danger. "What the researchers now believe is that basically is that between 4000 and 4500 below the ocean floor lies an oil lake that's somewhere between 100 and 120 miles wide and it's about 4500 feet deep. It's this toxic waste and crude and it's releasing methane gases that are absolutely lethal which is why all the fish and dolphins and sharks and whales are dying. And workers too, which is why so many have gotten sick, or maybe really sick.
"The health problems are so serious," Simmons said. "When you inhale methane you just die."
The only possible solution, Simmons insists, "is a small diameter low level nuclear device. They insert it down the well 18000 feet, and set it off. It will fuse the rock and glass, and it's totally safe, three miles under the seabed."
Radio host Masters asked, "When do we get the truth?"
Simmons responded, "Basically the walls are starting to cave in on BP. there are only so many things you can make up."
"But here's the really scary thing," Simmons told the Pacifica radio audience. "If we have a storm, let alone a hurricane, what hurricanes basically do is they churn up cold water from the base of the Gulf. This time it's not going to be cold water, it's going to be black poisonous crude. It will also shut down the 18 power plants along the Gulf Coast.
"So we're going to entrap 20 million people in harm's way."

BP floats 'static kill' plan to seal well (July 19, 2010)
Idea involves pumping heavy mud into the well bore to choke off the oil for good -- BP is preparing a new strategy to seal its busted Gulf of Mexico well which, if successful, could permanently shut down the flow of oil earlier than planned.On Monday afternoon, BP floated its plan of a "static kill." Kent Wells, a BP senior vice-president, told reporters the idea is in its "infancy" but said a decision whether to try it would be made in the next couple days. (...) BP's new idea of a static kill would involve pumping heavy mud into the well bore, to choke off the oil. A similar technique, called a top kill, was attempted in May but failed. The top kill could not overcome the force of oil flowing out of the well. But now that the cap is on, and holding, the forces involved are weaker and a static kill might work. "The static kill does give us a new option," Mr. Wells said. "It's encouraging at this point but there's a couple days of work before we'd be in a position to make a decision." The move, if it is tried and is successful, would effectively do the job of the close-to-ready relief well, which is now about a metre away from the original well. However, it will take until at least early August, and possibly mid-August, until the relief well is finished. Mr. Wells said the relief well remains "the ultimate solution." Debate between BP and the U.S. government about how to handle the situation has been vigorous since the cap was installed. Signs of trouble emerged on the weekend but all indications on Monday suggested the cap is working and that the original well is intact and solid, BP and the government said. There had been fears of a seep of natural gas about three kilometres from the well but it was determined to be unrelated to the BP operation. CLIP - THOUSANDS MORE mainstream news on the Oil Spill HERE