Saturday, January 23, 2010

An Old Concept Of Mine: Guerilla Gift Subscriptions...

...Guerilla Gift Subscriptions was an idea I proposed a few years ago as a tactic to change hearts and minds toward more sustainable practices.

Basically, the idea was to look for addresses where you see Hummers and other obnoxiously large SUV's parked regularly, and note the street address down. Keep a list of such addresses going.

Once a month go online to Mother Earth News magazine, (Or another environmental magazine, but Mother Earth has a flair that appeals to those with a wide "independence from government" streak) and purchase a gift subscription for that address in the name of Anonymous Free or something like that.

I believe Mother Earth News is priced around ten dollars per year for a subscription if you save the paper and purchase it online. (Which saves the paper AND the fuel for the postal vehicle to deliver it.)

Voila! For ten dollars, you have just purchased and entire year of Progressive, environmentally sustainable how-to information and put it in the hands of someone who likely has little concern for a cleaner and sustainable Earth. For twelve months, they will be seeing stories on this subject. Additionally, Mother Earth News has been around since the 1960's, I believe. They have a LOT of experience with their subject matter.

At the end of the first year, you will have spent a total of $120.00 or so, and reached twelve households continuously. Given the "average' of two adults and 2.5 children per household, that is potentially 54 people to whom you have provided a year of on-going Progressive, Earth-first outreach, with zero face-to-face in-you-face interaction. There is no risk of confrontation.

And so you have it, the art of gentle persuasion, and you get to support your favorite Earth-friendly magazines.

Go forth - and subscribe people!

Thank you for your dedication.


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